Tinker Installation Instructions
Download a copy of the Tinker source code
Visit the Tinker homepage and download a copy of the Tinker Full Distribution (GNU gzip) - Uncompress the archive
$ su
# cd /usr/local
# tar xzf {download_dir}/tinker.tar.gz
# chown -R root:root tinker
- Copy and update the Makefile
# cd /usr/local/tinker(Comment out the inappropriate machine/compiler combination, and uncomment the appropriate combination; update compiler path if necessary)
# cp make/Makefile source/
# cd source
# vi Makefile
- Compile Tinker
# make
- Install Tinker
# cd /usr/local/tinker
# mkdir bin
# cp -p source/*.x bin/
# exit
- Run a test job from the command line
$ cp /usr/local/tinker/example/benzene.* ~/
$ vi benzene.key
$ /usr/local/tinker/bin/analyze.x benzene
- Configure WebMO to use Tinker as a computational engine
- Login to WebMO as user 'admin'
- Click 'Interface Manager' to enable the interfaces to any computational chemistry packages that you have installed on your system
- Click the 'Enable' icon for Tinker
- Click the 'Edit' icon to configure the Tinker interface
- Verify that the entries are correct; if necessary, edit entries and click Submit
- Tinker version: 7.1.3
- Tinker binary directory: /usr/local/tinker/bin
- Tinker binary extension: x
- Tinker parameter directory: /usr/local/tinker/params
- Click 'Return', 'Return to Admin', and 'Logout' to exit the WebMO administration page
- Login as a WebMO user, and run a test job using Tinker as the computational engine
- Workarounds
For the g77 compiler, make the following changes in openend.f:
c open (unit=iunit,file=name,status='old',position='append')
open (unit=iunit,file=name,status='old',access='append')
For the g77 compiler, make the following changes in openend.f: